Gratitude + Art

A shout out to all the entrepreneurs and fashion designers with beautiful garment ideas but don’t have the skill set to draw it..

Don’t worry grartus is here for you!!!

Grartus Fashion Illustration studio was started with the aim of helping fashion studios and designers who need a digital illustration of their garments either for pre-production process or for marketing their brands.

We are a team of fashion enthusiast, that believes fashion is not just about stylized garment and looking beautiful but a medium to express yourself to the world.

We strive to understand the voice of your brand and the message your want to put out in the world and then ideate to find the best way illustrate your clothes.


Our Founder

Textile &
Apparel Designer
Digital Illustrator

Art and Fashion are two things that I have been extremely passionate about which led me to start my own fashion illustration studio.

Today Grartus works with budding designers to established fashion houses creating illustrations of their beautiful garments.

What Grartus offers to the Fashionista

A Cost effective and Quick Representation of your Garment

We understand the effort and time it takes to conceptualize a garment, make samples and get it stitched and as  designer sometimes it could be sometimes be challenging to express your designs through words alone.

Our experience of working in the fashion industry helps us to language of fashion designer and illustrate your big idea exactly as you envisioned it.

Creative Content for Online Marketing

Every Fashion brand needs a strong social presence today.

And a hand drawn illustration could potentially grab the eyeballs for you. 

Just tell us the message or design you want to showcase and we create it for your  social media handles or advertising campaigns.

Time to focus on growing your business

We understand the fast paced industry and the need for fashion designers to iterate and create new designs every season.

The hard ships of Fashion houses to post something new and interesting on social media.

We at Grartus help our clients to make the transition into digital medium in a smooth and efficient way so they get time to focus on what they do best.

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